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Are people, who are against gay marriage, gay?

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We all know that prop 8 passed. It's a sad day in American history. But why did it pass when gay marriage has almost no effect on heterosexual couples? Although people claim that they oppose prop 8 because it could "harm" the institution of marriage, we argue that they are really trying to suppress a part of THEMSELVES that is gay. XD

An irrational component of some human beings, homophobia is a fear of acknowledging the homosexuality in our culture that leads to social discrimination against gays. In many cases, people who carry this prejudice against homosexuals are rejecting manifestations of homosexuality in themselves. Influenced by different religious beliefs and social constructions, homophobic people cannot reconcile their subconscious and conscious sexual desires, becoming extremely uncomfortable with their orientation. Sometimes, people even face a conscious struggle against their repressed sexual desires, which often leads to clinical depression.

So... if you support prop 8, have you ever considered coming out of the closet? XD

<---- Very Gay

Think about it.

-Christopher Stuffington


  1. Anonymous said...

    Nice theory. Shall we call it Stuffington's triangular theory of homosexual identification?

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